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Hide Quantity Box


  • Model: HIDEQTY
  • Shipping Weight: 1lbs
  • 1000 Units in Stock
This product does not show the Quantity Box when Adding to the Shopping Cart.

This will add 1 to the Shopping Cart when Add to Cart is hit.

NOTE: If using Quantity Box Shows set to NO, unless Qty Max is also set to 1 then each time the Add to Cart is clicked the current cart quantity is updated by 1. If Qty Max is set to 1 then no more than 1 will be able to be added to the Shopping Cart per order.

Because the Image name is: 1_small.jpg
and stored in the /images directory ...

The other matching images will show:


The matching large images from /images/large will show:


A matching image must begin with the same exact name as the Product Image and end in the same extension.

These will then auto load.

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 11 January, 2004.


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